Abortion and Slavery Are Not the Same Thing, But…

Join us at Meacham Hall to learn about the similarities between the fights to abolish abortion and slavery

You may have seen T. Russell Hunter on OU's campus holding signs, dialoguing with students, and passing out "abolitionist" literature. Or maybe you are one of the millions who has watched recent videos online featuring him and various OU students arguing about whether abortion should be abolished.


Perhaps you do not think the students in the videos have provided the best representation for the pro-choice position and want to debate him yourself. Maybe you personally oppose abortion but take issue with the idea of criminalizing/abolishing abortion or the jarring statements and images.


Or maybe you love the videos and want to hear more historical, moral, and legal analysis from him than can be discussed in 60-second shorts.


Well...on Thursday, October 19th from 6:30-9:00pm, modern-day abolitionist and OU grad T. Russell Hunter will be presenting a case for abolishing abortion and interacting with students and faculty of the school he once attended.

The subject matter of the presentation is the crossroads that our nation stands before: the Christian worldview is clashing with the peculiar institution of abortion and the gravity of the issue means tensions are high and there can be no stalemate. One side has to win out.

Any historian can (but not necessarily will) tell you that this scenario has played out before. In the 19th century, radical Christians like William Lloyd Garrison, William Wilberforce, and others brought God's Word to bear on the slave trade and the practice of chattel slavery, saying it was predicated on manstealing: a capital crime. They demanded total and immediate abolition in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they were ostracized as radical, Bible-thumping fanatics.

Like our forerunners in the faith, abortion abolitionists demand total and immediate abolition in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ while being shunned from much of mainstream society (and certainly academia) as Bible-thumping fanatics. Abortion and slavery are not the same thing, but the parallels between the fights to abolish each cannot be ignored.

Come hear T. Russell Hunter (Oklahoma University History of Science graduate) speak on the controversial comparison of abortion and slavery and engage with present-day abolitionists of legalized child sacrifice who are simply applying Garrisonian abolitionism to the present day.

Join us at Meacham Auditorium on Thursday, October the 19th, from 6-9pm. The auditorium is on the south end of the second floor of the Union Building (900 Asp. Ave, Norman, OK 73019).

With any questions or comments, you can contact us here.

Parking Instructions: The Union Building has a parking garage attached to it. (Search for Union Parking Garage on your map.) There is also a free parking lot just north of Campus Corner (next to Hurts Donuts) and street parking along Boyd.