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The Abolitionists Rising

Conference 2024: All on Fire

Charlotte, NC | April 18-21

The Hilton Charlotte Airport

Registration is

coming soon!

Sign up for updates about the Abolitionists Rising Conference.

Calling all Christians!

Our Lord who commands us to "rescue those being led to slaughter" has sovereignly placed YOU in a time and place where millions of preborn children annually are in need of our rescuing. Abortion must be abolished and there is a way for everyone to be involved.

The annual Abolitionists Rising Conference is coming to Charlotte to bring the gospel into conflict with North Carolina's sin of allowing abortion, train Christians how to engage the culture of death, and educate Christians about the explicitly Biblical alternative to the Pro-Life Movement: the Abolitionist Movement.

Join us!

Registration and further details about the conference will be published soon. Send us your email by filling out the form above and we will send you the registration form when it is up!