Abolitionism Spreading to Campuses Across the Nation

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of _______ is for good men to do nothing.”

A. Slavery
B. Abortion
C. Forced vaccines
D. Perverted drag shows
E. Child trafficking

It’s all the more poignant when you have to fill in the blank.

How would you fill in the blank?

One night, following a college ministry service, some friends and I gathered in the parking lot, united by a shared passion to spread the gospel and seek justice for the unborn on our campus. Having just
witnessed the humanity and value of the unborn questioned by a campus socialist club, we felt compelled to expose the unfruitful works of darkness propagated by this death cult across the university.

Someone had to step up and speak out for those being led to death (Prov. 24:11-12). Why not us? We talked for some time, resolved to come up with a viable solution, and then finished with prayer.

Not long afterward, my roommate and I decided to launch a new student organization: Students for Abolition.

We intentionally designed this chapter to be easily replicated across other campuses, with the hope of launching numerous Students for Abolition chapters. By God’s grace, that vision is becoming a reality.

Students for Abolition is driven by a deep desire to see God glorified on the college campus, the gospel advanced, and abortion completely abolished.

Self-managed abortions are still legal in every state, including states with pro-life supermajorities and pro-life legislation. Meanwhile, many pro-life organizations bear false witness, claiming that there are states where abortion has been abolished, while simultaneously opposing bills of complete abolition. Will God bless this? Will God bless lies, falsity masquerading as truth, and marketing gimmicks?

We believe that these false claims dampen the fiery ambition of young Christian men, in particular, who might otherwise dedicate themselves to abolishing child sacrifice in their states.

At Students for Abolition, we encourage students to engage primarily with Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Heb. 4:12), presupposing that God’s Word is the foundation for truth, and refusing to sheath the Sword of the Spirit. We'll still engage with science and other argumentation, but it's our secondary weapon.

We’re ultimately motivated by a desire to engage students both on the issue of abortion and their need to believe in Christ for forgiveness and salvation. Our students say they want to do more than merely draw pithy Pro-Life slogans with chalk on a sidewalk and give to local pregnancy centers. Because if we truly view the abortion issue as a modern-day holocaust, we must respond accordingly.

Our chapters are doing this by raising up students willing to unapologetically proclaim Christ’s dominion, power, and authority in the public arena of their college campus!

Currently, Students for Abolition (SFA) is at East Tennessee State University and the University of Wisconsin-Stout, with more in the works at this very moment.

Who will be next? Who will step up to the plate and be the Proverbs 24:11 “Rescuer”? Who will follow King Josiah in repenting of their apathy and waging war on the idols in their land, or stand like King David, facing Goliath and declaring, “Who are these people who defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Samuel 17:26).

As we continue to grow Students for Abolition, our mission remains clear: win glory for our Lord by advocating for the abolition of abortion through evangelism, education, and activism on the college

So, how did you fill in the blank?

Will evil triumph because of you? May it not be so. If evil triumphs momentarily and because God providentially allows it, may it not be because you said or did nothing.

Students, and young men in particular, who are in agreement with our mission and feel led to begin a chapter at their university can reach out to us for an interview where we will ask about their personal testimony, local church involvement, etc.

Afterward, they'll be given access to resources such as SFA logos, t-shirts at a great price, a sample SFA constitution, a social media kit, a tabling package, access to our community Discord, and more.

Ask yourself- could it be that God has placed you in “such a time as this”, in such an environment (the college campus), for the purpose of proclaiming the gospel, advocating for justice, and standing for the voiceless? If so, we invite you to join us at Students for Abolition, and we’d love to help get you started!

If you’re a student looking for more information or interested in starting a chapter, you can reach out to us
at studentsforabolition@gmail.com.


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to abolish abortion!

March 20-22, 2025

We the People

Demand Abolition

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