An Open Letter to Pres. Trump, Sec. Kennedy, and Mr. Musk

March 17, 2025

Dear President Trump, Secretary Kennedy, and Mr. Musk,

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each of you for your unwavering dedication to the well-being of our nation and your recent commendable achievements. Your collective efforts exemplify a profound commitment to public service and the betterment of humanity.

President Trump, your leadership has been instrumental in steering our country through challenging times, and your recent policy reforms have revitalized our national spirit. Secretary Kennedy, upon your swearing-in, you invoked divine guidance, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to combat chronic illness in America, crediting President Trump as an answer to your prayers. Mr. Musk, your innovative ventures continue to push the boundaries of technology, contributing significantly to our nation’s progress.

In light of your influential positions and shared dedication to ethical governance, I urge you to consider the paramount issue of human abortion with the same moral and scientific consistency that guides your other endeavors. The campaign to restore America’s health is a battle against unethical profiteering and pseudoscience masquerading as healthcare. Similarly, abortion, often presented as a healthcare choice, fundamentally involves the termination of an unborn human life.

Advocates of abortion frame it as a matter of personal choice. However, if we scrutinize this perspective, it becomes evident that such a choice entails profound moral consequences. The deliberate ending of a nascent human life stands in stark contrast to the principles of justice and compassion that underpin our society.

Secretary Kennedy, your invocation of divine assistance highlights a recognition of a higher moral order. The Bible, in Romans 13, describes governing authorities as servants of God, entrusted with the responsibility to uphold justice. This divine mandate includes the protection of innocent life. The commandment “You shall not murder” serves as a foundational ethical precept, warning of personal, national, and cultural peril should we choose to disregard it.

From a scientific standpoint, embryology unequivocally establishes that human life begins at conception. At this initial stage, a unique human being is formed, complete with distinct DNA that determines gender and other individual characteristics. This scientific fact underscores the humanity of the unborn and challenges us to extend equal protection and equal justice under the law to these most vulnerable members of our society.

The inconsistency in our legal system, which affords protection to, and establishes justice for, some lives while denying it to others based on developmental stages, raises critical ethical questions. As leaders committed to justice and the welfare of all citizens, it is imperative to address this disparity. Upholding the sanctity of life at all stages is not only a moral obligation but also a reflection of a society that values and protects its most defenseless members.

I implore you, as men vested with authority and influence, to align your policies and actions with the moral and scientific truths concerning human life. By doing so, you will affirm the inherent dignity of every person and uphold the principles of justice that are the cornerstone of our nation.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter. May your continued service be guided by wisdom, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to the common good.


The Abolitionist Movement in America


President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

The Honorable Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Secretary of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, D.C. 20201

Mr. Elon Musk
Department of Government Efficiency
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500



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