Anthony Edwards Is a Murderer

On the morning of December 18th, just a few days after Minnesota Timberwolves' all-star shooting guard Anthony Edwards' girlfriend announced that the couple was expecting their first child, a cam girl publicly posted screenshots depicting messages in which Edwards persuaded and bribed her to abort their baby.

The messages begin with the woman sending Edwards a picture of a positive pregnancy test and letting him know that she has set up an appointment.

"Hell Nawl can't do dis," Edwards responds. "get a abortion lol." The woman pushes back, saying, "Honestly I had an abortion 2 years ago with my son and I regret it everyday." But Edwards insists: "Man you can't force a kid in da world"

After a few more messages from the woman expressing dissatisfaction with his demands, Edwards says, "I'll send you money to help you out," to which she replies, "I didn't ask for it but ok." Edwards then wire transfers $100,000 into her bank account.

She makes one last plea to keep the baby by sending Edwards a picture of a cute baby before giving in, taking the abortion pill, and sending a recording of her swallowing the pill to Edwards as proof of the murder.

Exposing Edwards

Tragically, we live in a culture that celebrates sexual immorality and the sacrificing of as many children as necessary to facilitate sexual immorality. Instead of being booed, suspended, or arrested, Edwards simply continued with his season as if nothing had happened. His murder is known publicly and is not substantively different from that of OJ Simpson's or Aaron Hernandez's, yet he got to to go score 32 points with eight rebounds and five assists before adoring, cheering fans the night that his actions were exposed.

In a statement prior to the game, Edwards apologized only for being too pushy:

"I made comments in the heat of a moment that are not me, and that are not aligned with what I believe and who I want to be as a man. All women should be supported and empowered to make their own decisions about their bodies and what is best for them. I am handling my personal matters privately and will not be commenting on them any further at this time."

Edwards feared the criticism of feminists more than he feared that of people who believe he literally committed murder. (That should tell you something about the weakness and timidity of the Pro-Life Movement.)

As abolitionists, we intend to change that. We intend to foster a culture of people that do not merely profess to believe that abortion is murder, but who act like it. We must not be squeamish about calling murder what it is and murderers what they are.

After reading the messages, we looked at the Timberwolves schedule and quickly circled their December 26th game in Oklahoma City. We then bought court-side seats, made a sign, and put a plan into motion to call out Anthony Edwards.

We do not intend for this to be simply a video that gets clicks. We want this confrontation of evil to inspire others to do likewise when it comes to the murder of children; to not treat abortion as simply a personal issue but a crime against humanity that must be consistently exposed for what it is without compromise and squeamishness.

Speaking of compromise and squeamishness...

The Pro-Life Response

As usual, many pro-life groups made sure to purposefully conflate "persuasion" with "coercion" as they talked about Edwards' messages so that they could advance their narrative that women are always innocent victims of abortion. SBA Pro-Life America, the leading pro-life lobbyists at the federal level, said the Anthony case was an example of coercion.

The messages Anthony sent, which can be read in their entirety here, do not contain any coercion whatsoever, only persuasion and a bribe.

In most states, "duress" is the legal term for "coercion." In Edwards' home state of Minnesota, notice that the definition of "duress" does not exclude people from criminal liability unless they had reason to believe their life was in danger.

609.08 Duress.
Except as provided in section 609.30, clause (3), when any crime is committed or participated in by two or more persons, any one of whom participates only under compulsion by another engaged therein, who by threats creates a reasonable apprehension in the mind of such participator that in case of refusal that participator is liable to instant death, such threats and apprehension constitute duress which will excuse such participator from criminal liability.

In Oklahoma, as another example, the standard is slightly looser. Duress applies if the one being coerced had reason to believe the one coercing them was going to kill them or do them "great bodily harm".

A person is entitled to the defense of duress if that person committed the act(s)/omission(s) which constitute the crime because of a reasonable belief that (he/she)/(his/her spouse/child) was in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm from another.
2. As used in this subsection, "great bodily injury" means bodily injury which creates a substantial risk of death or which causes serious, permanent disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.

Edwards did not threaten to kill her, do her "great bodily harm", or do her any bodily harm at all. There was no coercion. There was verbal persuasion and an offer of payment. That does not excuse her from criminal culpability.

The woman who swallowed the abortion pills at Edwards' request (and who we will leave unnamed because she is a cam girl whose sordid business certainly benefits from all the controversy and newfound name recognition) knew what she was doing. She even referred to the victim of her previous abortion as "her son." She knows that abortion kills a human being. She took a bribe and she murdered her baby. She is a murderer too.

We do not know all of her thoughts and intentions, but the hosts of Fox SOUL, a show that "celebrates black culture", view the issue as one where an "athlete with a bag" should know that ladies would want to get pregnant with him because of his money and their desire for it: "She spread her legs with no condom because she wanted the check!"

Former NFL players Chad Ochocinco and Shannon Sharpe had the same view, with Ochocinco arguing that, "She sees the dollar signs.. She was in it, not for him, but for what he could do. She had an end goal, and she reached that end goal."

Do we know for certain that she "saw the dollar signs", and went for the opportunity to cash in? No, we don't. On the other hand, pro-life organizations don't know that this wasn't this cam girl's plan. All we do know, is that, in the end, she took the money and she murdered her baby. She should be held accountable for what she knowingly did.


The days of public figures being able to murder babies with virtually no repercussions need to end. The days of people "minding their own business" when it comes to abortion need to end. The days of Christians living as if they aren't in the midst of a holocaust need to end.

Be an abolitionist and be loud! Confront murderous celebrities like Edwards with the truth of what they've done. Confront your community with the reality of abortion. Prophetically call those in our culture of death to repentance.

Sometimes, that means getting creative and buying front row seats to an NBA game. But most times, it means simply speaking up in the streets of your community, on social media, or anywhere else you have a sphere of influence and the ability to speak.

Abortion must be abolished, and for that to happen, we must not be afraid to boldly speak unpopular truths.



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to abolish abortion!

March 20-22, 2025

We the People

Demand Abolition

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