Pro-life rallies and events ordinarily have the primary purpose of scratching ears and supporting bad legislation. In themselves, they are not a help to preborn children. However, they provide abolitionists ample opportunity to do so by gathering pro-lifers together in one place to be reached with abolitionism.
These events can be target-rich environment for recruiting new abolitionists. Some attendees will be dyed-in-the-wool pro-lifers catechized in worldly incrementalism to dislike abolitionists, but others will be well-meaning brothers and sisters willing to consider our perspective on various subjects related to abortion and the gospel.
Here are four reasons abolitionists should attend pro-life events.
1) Spreading Abolitionism
Abortion will be abolished in a nation or state when abolitionists have more influence over public policy than pro-lifers or pro-choicers. Growing our movement entails converting pro-lifers and pro-choicers into abolitionists.
There are few better ways to spread abolitionism upon fertile ground than going to pro-life events to distribute abolitionist lit to converse with pro-lifers about abolitionism. Sometimes, converting a pro-lifer into an abolitionist can be as easy as a 15-minute conversation. At the very least, hundreds of people will leave the event with the understanding that there is an Abolitionist Movement that is separate from the Pro-Life Movement and therefore the opportunity to look into it more.
In February, we attended Rose Day, Oklahoma's annual pro-life rally, to speak to pro-life leaders, politicians, and regular folks. Countless fruitful conversations were had, including this one with an open-minded Students for Life staff member.
2) Exposing Wicked Deeds

Often, pro-life rallies will feature politicians who killed abolition bills and they almost always feature organizations who oppose abolition bills. This is a perfect opportunity to, as Ephesians 5:11 talks about, expose wicked deeds done in darkness.
There's tie-in with the first point because exposing the corruption of the Pro-Life Movement is a means to the end of converting someone to abolitionism, but it can be a very effective means. Pro-life people, especially those active enough to attend a rally or event, will usually be more open to considering a whole new philosophy of Christian political engagement if they understand the egregious problems with the movement they're currently apart of.
Texas House Rep. Jeff Leach, the chairman who killed the Texas abolition bill in 2019, spoke at the Texas March for Life. Senator Greg Treat, the chief opponent of abolition in Oklahoma, has spoken at Rose Day. Missouri Senator Bob Onder, the chairman who killed the Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act, spoke at the Midwest March for Life. House Speaker Mike Johnson, who helped kill the abolition bill in Louisiana, spoke at the national March for Life. These events provide excellent opportunities to help people understand who the bad guys are.
3) Correcting False Gospels
There are many false gospels preached at pro-life events, usually the works-based gospel of Rome. But there are others as well. Pastor Ron Kronz and other D.C.-area abolitionists attended this year's Virginia March for Life. One of the speakers, Lt. Governor Winsome Sears, told attendees that God forgives them no matter what without any reference to repentance and faith.
“Finally to those who have had abortions, know that God has forgiven you. Know that your baby is waiting for you in heaven. Don’t, don’t, don’t agonize yourselves anymore. Your baby is alive and well and waiting for you.”
Kronz writes: "What is she talking about? Forgiveness only exists within the context of sin and repentance, of which Sears mentions neither. While her remarks sound nice, in a ‘Hallmark’ kind of way, they are disconnected from biblical truth. In fact, her blanket statement not only omits the Gospel, it rules it out - replacing it with her own sentiments...
"To be clear, there is indeed forgiveness for those complicit in murder. That forgiveness is based on the finished work of the crucified, resurrected, ascended, ruling Savior - Jesus Christ. The Bible makes that clear. Praise the Lord."
Nonsense like Sears' false absolution of sin is not uncommon at pro-life rallies. Many speakers are not theologically sound. (If they were, they'd probably be abolitionists.)
4) Stirring Others to Love and Good Works
Pro-life events rarely provide inspiration to take direct and consistent action. They are usually aimed at tickling the ears of those in attendance and talking about how great we all are and how great the movement is doing. As Kronz recounts of Sears' speech:
As she began, it was quickly apparent that she knew her audience. Her talking points stayed clear of challenging anyone in attendance to much of anything. This is odd since after all, it was a rally, although we were not rallied to do much of anything, other than to be pleased with ourselves for our good moral opinions. (Think along the lines of Kenny G being a motivational speaker).
Nothing about her talk gave the impression that she was a person who could be counted on to bring the banner of Christ into conflict with a culture that embraces child sacrifice."
Attending a rally once or twice per year is not sufficient while living in the midst of an abortion holocaust. Rally speeches ought to ignite in listeners deep conviction over any degree of apathy toward preborn children being led to slaughter. While we cannot reliably count on pro-life speakers to provide this, abolitionists can be there to exhort attendees to take action.
The Abolitionist Movement is growing because the ideas are reaching well-meaning pro-lifers. To do that, you have go where they are. Consider doing so, abolitionist.