A Biblical View of In Vitro Fertilization

One of the greatest afflictions a couple can face, bringing about some of the deepest most indescribable pain and suffering, is that of infertility. If you or someone you know lives with the pain of infertility or have in the past, thank you for coming to this page. We pray that you will read on and consider well what we are seeking to explain about the dark reality of a practice that many struggling with infertility turn to; a practice that facilitates the destruction of millions of humans. This practice not only has gone largely unnoticed with the plight of these humans untold and their deaths un-mourned, but it is also a practice largely accepted by Christians, even Christians who know and largely recognize the value and dignity of human life beginning at conception, which is fertilization.

Why Abortion abolitionists are addressing IVF

Initial statistical analyses estimate that in 2012, in the US alone, 1.2 million children were created from IVF with only 62,000 children born after the procedure. For comparison, Guttmacher reports that in 2011 1.1 million surgical abortions were performed. Further detail will be seen and linked below, but for perspective, that means for every child born as a result of IVF, 19 others were created and either frozen, discarded, donated for scientific experimentation, or died in the IVF process. This scale is massive and is of extreme concern to anyone who would advocate for the defense of the unborn.

Abolitionists understand the necessity of rejecting all ageism without partiality, and protecting the unborn beginning at fertilization. One application of understanding this truth is that we oppose the practice of in vitro fertilization (IVF), as it’s dehumanizing and destructive to the weakest members of our society. The destruction of human life in these practices has been frequently underestimated and is at an absolutely staggering scale. Yes, abortion efforts have historically been associated with opposition to mainly surgical abortion. Many Christians and churches (and even some secular groups) adopt a formal position upholding the “sanctity of human life” and the doctrine of “human rights”, and claim that life must be protected from conception to natural death, yet the vast majority of Americans do not consistently recognize these little human embryos as fellow humans created in the image of God. There are even professing evangelical Christians and conservative pro-lifers who will not condemn IVF but actually encourage it. If there is ever to be an end to legalized child sacrifice in our land we will have to be consistent in our demands for justice: The destruction and dehumanization of our embryonic neighbors by the practice of IVF demands our response and we are compelled to protest it as vehemently as we oppose murder by surgical or medication abortion.

Do we love our children or love ourselves?

IVF has turned the production of children into a consumer industry. This multi-billion dollar industry has made many rich and happy at the expense of millions of tiny, weak, defenseless human embryos. In our desire to have our own biological offspring, we make orphans of our own children. When someone successfully bears a child from IVF, as a general rule they leave at least several of the child's siblings in an icy prison. When that person doesn't want to give birth to any more children, those siblings are abandoned by their parents to be adopted by another family, to thaw out and die, or to be donated to science and used in human experimentation.

Embryonic stem cell research should be utterly rejected regardless of its goals. Human experimentation that destroys a human being is never acceptable under any notion of human rights. These embryos are subjected to tests and even employed in therapies that result in their destruction. This is murder. This is not, as some companies claim, acceptable merely because they are leftover from IVF without anyone to rescue them. Parental consent can not make murder acceptable. This practice is murder and ought to be decried as such. We believe that the practice of IVF needs to be plainly exposed and fiercely opposed in the public sphere, just as one would oppose other modes of abortion.

The Dark Realities of IVF

We understand that direct, strategic opposition to this practice is an uncommon posture even among individuals who believe embryos are image-bearers of God and our neighbors. We recognize that in the past 50 years, most of the Pro-life Movement’s efforts have been focused on regulating surgical abortions, and not even touching the unconscionable and morally reprehensible form of dehumanization and destruction that is IVF. This is a massive failure of the Pro-Life Movement to clearly address the changes in our society’s treatment of the unborn since Roe v Wade. Our approach today must be different than it was in 1973 simply due to the proliferation of technologies that destroy our neighbors. In the same way that it would be absurd to oppose D&C abortions but not saline abortions, we believe that IVF is merely an alternate technique and not fundamentally a different practice. Because of this, we call upon opponents of abortion to respond anew to these technologies and join the charge in this fight.

Yes, there are many children who will not come into existence when IVF becomes illegal. But if we truly believe God when He tells us that He is the one who opens and closes the womb, this is not a fact that should bring us concern. What we have right now before us is a dehumanizing industry that treats tiny humans like chattel and property to be bought, sold, discarded, experimented on, and ignored on a whim. Further, we know what the success rate for IVF is, and it is not good. Even if you only implant one baby at a time, you still have an elevated risk of death. Thus, IVF creates a human being, so as to put him in an intentionally risky situation. Why create children to put them in harm's way, when you could spend that money and effort in adopting children that are already here and in need of parents?

The entire world system is set up to further child sacrifice. It’s one of the devil’s chief tools — he tried to murder baby Moses, tried to murder baby Jesus, in Revelation 12 the dragon tries to eat the Messiah, etc. More than 65 million people have died in this country in 50 years. Whatever you think is an important issue, it pales in comparison to mass child sacrifice, and you ought to be doing something about it.

IVF is a cog in the system and lends an air of respectability to the dehumanization of human beings created in the image of God. If someone participates in IVF they are enriching the people who in all other cases are creating 8 and 10 children, only to freeze 6-8 of them and then abandon them forever. You can tell the doctor to only make one or two, sure, and he may. And he might be honest with you about how many were created in total. But he’ll take your money and use it to create tons of babies for someone else.

There are so many unnatural risks to life for these children who are produced this way. There is the likelihood that many of them will be discarded after being examined under a microscope and have been determined to be unfit to keep. Then out of the ones who do make it through that first weeding process, only 2 or 3 are chosen for transfer into their biological mother’s womb, while the rest are cryogenically frozen and imprisoned. Many of them die just in the initial process of freezing. The parents can later decide if they want to transfer more of their children, donate them to science, put them up for adoption, or simply throw them into the trash. For those who mercifully “donate” them to other parents, those embryonic children must go through a thawing process, in which around 65% of them do not survive. Then because of the freezing process, even after thawing them, a technique called assisted hatching must take place. This is where a laser is used to cut a small slit in the shell around the embryo which formed due to freezing. There is another 5% chance of death in assisted hatching. It costs adoptive parents more than $12,000 to adopt a child whose parents created and abandoned him or her for someone else to pay for rescue (and storage fees). Adoptive mothers must put their bodies through all kinds of abuse in order to save these lives, including hormonal treatments, injections of Lupron, and progesterone. All because of an evil industry that creates children for parents who choose to only care for some of their offspring, when they could have and should have cared for the millions of orphans already in their midst. Even if the couple were only to create as many human lives as they are willing to give a chance to, they are still unnecessarily contributing to an industry that creates and then subsequently destroys millions of human lives all for big money.

Loving your IVF Neighbor:

This booklet from Pastor Deevers covers in detail the stages of the IVF process: the grading, destruction, "reduction," and more. Read a preview of this here. Ask yourself some hard, yet important questions if you have created children through IVF: of the eggs that were collected, how many were fertilized? Of those [embryos], how many made it into the top two grades to continue through the process? [Note: the grading system in IVF facilities can change; it is not set in stone. So an embryo that receives a high grade could later become a lower grade and be discarded or destroyed, donated to science.] Of those that made the top two grades and were frozen, how many survived being thawed and transferred? Of those who survived being thawed and transferred into a woman's uterus, how many implanted into the uterine wall to be able to continue living and growing?

IVF in a Word Picture

Imagine you get on a school bus with 30 children on board. You start asking each child questions, trying to determine how smart they are. You ask them all questions about their moms and their dads, their family medical history, and more, seeking to learn who has the best genetics.

You choose the best one to become your child, bring them with you to the front of the bus, and as you walk off of the bus with your new child you inform the bus driver that you have made your choice and instruct him to kill the rest.

If this strikes you like a harsh word picture, please listen as Pastor Jon Speed describes the details of IVF in this sermon below.

This is a harsh word picture because the reality of what happens in the IVF process IS a harsh reality.

Graphic from Sammi Cooper, The Imago Dei Ministry

What about my ivf baby?

Let us be clear about what we are NOT saying: We are not saying that children created through IVF are less human than others, less than others, are not image-bearers of God, or that their lives are less worth celebrating. We praise God for every human being alive today and created in His image, regardless of how they were conceived!

The fact that we thank God for every single life created via IVF does not mean that we applaud how they came about.

Think about a different scenario where someone could be conceived in a sinful way: We know that anyone conceived in rape is just as human as those who were not conceived in rape, and we can, at the same time, acknowledge the evil of rape and hate the practice! Rape is evil, and it sometimes brings life into existence. We want all rape to stop; we want all potential rapists to repent of their sin, bow down before Jesus, be born again by the power of His Spirit, and be filled with zeal for good works to protect women; not violently use them And we want those who will not bow the knee to Jesus and who do such an evil thing as rape to be tried, convicted, and sentenced to severe punishment by the governing magistrates.

We believe that the circumstances of someone’s conception, regardless of whether it was sinful and wicked, has NO bearing on the value of that individual.

While we praise God for the lives of those who have been created through IVF, it breaks our hearts that so many of them are cryogenically frozen somewhere, neglected and abandoned to certain destruction.

To those who exist today because of IVF, we say this: Your life is every bit as valuable as every other human life on this planet. We thank God for your life. The process by which you were brought into this world was indeed sinful. Just as a child who is conceived in rape or incest or out of wedlock was conceived as a result of sin, we must not think less of the children whose existence was brought about by those sinful means.

It is precisely because of the innate value of every human life created through IVF that we oppose the practice that subjects so many to destruction or suspension in a freezer.

Jesus Christ died for the sins and the lives of those conceived in sinful circumstances as well as for those conceived within the sanctity of the marriage act. But your value does not speak to the inherent sinfulness of a practice such as IVF. This practice must be exposed for the wicked institution that it is and be abolished. We encourage you to be outspoken against IVF with us. Think of the power your testimony against IVF is, being someone who was created as a result of the very evil you are speaking against.

What Do I do now?

Cry Out To God In Prayer:

Pray for God to mercifully open your own womb or the womb of anyone you know who is struggling to conceive. There is no question or doubt about infertility being heartbreaking (1 Samuel 1:6-8). But the LORD God alone is Sovereign over childbearing (1 Samuel 1:5). And He alone is the one who answers the prayer for children (1 Samuel 1:21-28). His is the power to open and close the womb, so cry out to Him and plead with Him to glorify Himself through opening your womb. The biblical remedy for infertility is our Sovereign God who delights to cause the Barren to have children (Isaiah 54:1). The entire people of God came from a barren people, in Abraham and Sarah(1 Samuel 1:1, 2:11, Luke 1:13)! Pray for God to use you to facilitate rescuing abandoned children, to open the eyes of others to the horrors of this practice, and to abolish IVF entirely.

Rescue Abandoned IVF Children:

A Christian alternative to IVF is to rescue these leftover, frozen babies, adopting these abandoned children that already exist and opening your home, family, and womb to them in loving, Christian hospitality. Millions of these leftover embryos have been abandoned by their parents who produced multiple human lives in order to love and care for only one or two of them, and abandon the rest as unworthy of their love and care. These children, along with their siblings, are frozen in icy prisons for years before others come to rescue them. Sadly, many of these do not survive the transfer to the adoptive mother’s womb.

If You Currently Have Frozen IVF Children:

First of all, thank you for reading to this point. One thing that needs to be emphasized is that you are responsible for all of your children equally – your born children just as much as your preborn/frozen children. You do not have tomorrow (let alone your next breath) guaranteed to you, so this is a responsibility that comes with a great weight and great urgency. Were you and your spouse to die today – God forbid – your children in the freezers are left to an industry that views them as equal to a liver, a piece of flesh that can be used for their own industrial gain. You must do everything within your power to rescue your children from their icy prison! Maybe you have aged to a point that the clinic will not allow you to transfer any more of your embryos, or you have another physical inability to have any more children. If this is the case you must seek Christian couples who will adopt your children and raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. You can even begin saving and fundraising to cover the costs for these couples to adopt your children.

Expose The Evil Of This Practice:

(Eph. 5:11) Work to expose the wickedness of this system, calling all who participate in a sinful industry to repentance. To the best of your ability, do not let any friend, family, or acquaintance begin the process of IVF without warning them about the immorality and wickedness of it - even just presenting them with this page and pleading with them to repent and not go through with their plans. If you were born after being created through IVF, we encourage you to use your life to speak up and raise your voice for the defenseless, abandoned, frozen, orphaned children, praising God for their life, pleading with others to rescue those who have yet to be freed from their frozen prison, and mourn the expense of the untold millions who have been abandoned in the meantime, while calling for this practice to stop.

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