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Bleeding Kansas

at no point in history has Kansas been

more violent than it is today


Status of Abortion:


Nearly 8,000 preborn children are murdered in Bleeding Kansas every year at six different abortion facilities. Many women from surrounding states like Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas travel to Kansas in order to murder their babies.

In 2019, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled that the State’s Bill of Rights protects the right to abortion. The decision reads:

 'All men are possessed of equal and inalienable natural rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'…We are now asked: 'Is this declaration of rights more than an idealized aspiration? And, if so, do the substantive rights include a woman's right to make decisions about her body, including the decision whether to continue her pregnancy? We answer these questions, ‘Yes.’

In truth, there is no tie between anything in the Kansas Constitution and a right to abortion. The court didn’t even connect a specific line of the Constitution to abortion. It simply said that substantive rights generally have to include murder.

Abolition History:

The Kansas Abortion Ban was first introduced in 2022 and has thus far been denied a committee hearing. In the 2023 session, House HHS Committee Chair Brenda Landwehr, a pro-life Republican, was responsible for denying it a hearing. The State's most prominent Pro-Life Establishment organization, Kansans for Life, has publicly opposed the Kansas Abortion Ban.

The reason that abortion remains legal in Kansas is because of the pro-life politicians and lobbyists. Leave the Pro-Life Movement! Help stop the bleeding by connecting with Abortion Is Murder Kansas below.

Executive Branch


Laura Kelly (D)

Attorney General:

Kris Kobach (R)

Legislative Branch

Track Legislation:

Use left sidebar on Legislature website

Speaker of the House:

Rep. Daniel Hawkins (R-100)

President of the Senate:

Sen. Ty Masterson (R-16)

Legislative Calendar

The Kansas Legislature meets every year beginning in January. In odd-numbered years there is no limit to session length. In even-numbered years, sessions are limited to 90 legislative days.

2024 Deadlines:

Deadlines will be posted when they are available.

Find abolitionists in Kansas:

Abolitionist Organizations

Abortion is Murder Kansas (AIM KS)

Abolitionist Churches

Grace Christian Bible Fellowship