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Status of Abortion:


for the mother.


for abortionists.

Upon the overturn of Roe, Mississippi's trigger ban from 2007 went into effect. The bill specifies that abortionists may only perform an abortion in the case of rape. Violation of this law carries a penalty of 1-to-10 years in prison. The law specifies that the mother may never be prosecuted in the murder of her child: “Any person, except the pregnant woman” is liable to face prosecution. This means that self-managed abortion is legal in Mississippi.

Abolition History:

No bill has been introduced to abolish abortion in Mississippi.

Flag of Mississippi (wiki)
Executive Branch


Tate Reeves (R)

Attorney General:

Lynn Fitch (R)

Legislative Branch

Find Your Legislator:

Call the Legislature's switchboard at

(601) 359-3770

Speaker of the House:

Rep. Philip Gunn (R-560)

President of the Senate:

Lt. Governor Delbert Hoseman (R)

President Pro Tem of the Senate:

Sen. Dean Kirby (R-30)

Legislative Calendar

Annual Regular Sessions begin in January and end in April. Regular Sessions following a gubernatorial election year run later in the year.

Legislative Deadlines:

Deadlines will be posted as they become available