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Status of Abortion:


Abortion is legal in Nebraska up through 12 weeks with vast exceptions for abortions on older babies due to sexual assault, incest, and "medical emergencies."

Abolition History:

No bill has been introduced to abolish abortion in Nebraska.

Flag of Nebraska (wiki)
Executive Branch


Jim Pilen (R)

Attorney General:

Mike Hilgers (R)

Legislative Branch

President of the Legislature:

Lt. Governor Joe Kelly (R)

Speaker of the Legislature:

Sen. John Arch (14)

Nebraska is the only state in the nation that has a unicameral legislature, meaning it does not have two chambers: a house and a senate. Functions normally split between the House and Senate in bicameral legislatures are combined into a single chamber referred to as the Senate. The Lt. Governor presides over the Senate, as in many other states. However, the position normally referred to as the President Pro Tem of the Senate, which is responsible for the day to day operations of the Senate, is referred to as the Speaker of the Legislature. Additionally, the Nebraska Senate is considered to be a non-partisan body, however, it is controlled by members of the Republican party.

Legislative Calendar

Annual Regular Sessions begin in January and are limited to 90 legislative days in odd-numbered years or 60 legislative days in even-numbered years

Legislative Deadlines:

Deadlines will be posted as they become available

Find abolitionists in Nebraska:

Abolitionist Organizations

Abolish Abortion Nebraska

End Abortion Nebraska

Abolitionist Churches

Dominion Covenant Church