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Status of Abortion:


Abortion is currently legal up to 22 weeks in Ohio. The State’s heartbeat law is currently enjoined as it makes its way through the State courts.

Pro Abortion Ballot Measure

The Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative would establish a constitutional right to abortion under the Ohio State Constitution. It is scheduled to be on the ballot for the November 7, 2023 election.

The measure would prohibit the state of Ohio from restricting access to abortion before "fetal viability," which is defined in the measure as the point in a pregnancy when the mother's doctor determines the preborn child has a significant likelihood of survival outside the uterus with "reasonable measures." The measure also contains the boilerplate provision for protecting the mother's "life or health." Both of these provisions are highly subjective and would easily be exploited by the abortion industry in Ohio.

The organizations behind this initiative are Ohio Physicians for Reproductive Rights and the Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom PAC. Additionally, the usual suspects such as the ACLU and Planned Parenthood are also actively supporting the measure.

To learn more about the measure or to get involved in the efforts against it, you can contact End Abortion Ohio here.

Status of the Abolition of abortion in Ohio:

A bill of abolition was prepared and expected to be filed by Rep. Bill Dean (R-71). As has been the case in every other state, Pro-life organizations and legislative leaders mobilized against the effort. The resulting pressure led to Rep. Dean's decision to not file the bill. Once again, pro-life leaders successfully stifled efforts to protect the lives of our preborn neighbors. Ohio Right to Life and the Center for Christian virtue somehow convinced Rep. Dean that filing the bill providing equal protection and equal justice to preborn humans would damage life and Christian values. At their behest, Rep. Dean now refuses to allow anyone to see the language of the bill.

Abolitionist Candidates

Austin Beigel (Republican candidate for State House)

Flag of Ohio (wiki)
Current Abolition Legislation

No bills of abolition have been filed in Ohio

Legislative Calendar

Ohio has a full-time legislature. Click here to see what days the Legislature is in session.

Executive Branch

Attorney General:

Dave Yost (R)

Abortion Statistics

Find abolitionists in Ohio:

Abolitionist Organizations

Buckeye Abolitionists

End Abortion Ohio

Heritage Restored

Abolitionist Churches

Shelby Maranatha Bible Baptist Church