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Status of Abortion:


for mothers.


for abortionists.

Upon the overturn of Roe, two statutes prohibiting abortion for abortionists began to be enforced. The more stringent of the two, Okla. Stat. 63 § 1-731.4, provides penalties for abortionists of up to 10 years in prison and $100,000 fine. The law states that it “does not authorize the charging or conviction of a woman with any criminal offense in the death of her own unborn child.”

“[D]oes not authorize the charging or conviction of a woman with any criminal offense in the death of her own unborn child.”

Self-managed abortion is technically illegal in Oklahoma according to Okla. Stat. 63 § 1-733. However, attorney general Gentner Drummond has officially determined that District Attorneys can't prosecute women who have abortions in AG opinion 2023-12. Read more about that here. Abolish Abortion Oklahoma will continue to provide updates to that situation on its blog.

Abolition History:

Former State Senator Joseph Silk filed the first bill to abolish abortion in Oklahoma in 2016. Silk filed subsequent abolition bills until he left the Senate in 2020. State Senator Warren Hamilton was elected in 2020, and picked up where Silk left off, filing the bill to abolish abortion in Oklahoma every year since.

The primary opposition to the abolition bill has come from National Right to Life Vice President Tony Lauinger, Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat (R), former State Senator Jason Smalley, and Senate Floor Leader Greg McCortney (R).

Abolitionist Legislators & Candidates

Anti-Abolitionist Legislators

The following Oklahoma state legislators have been actively involved in efforts to stop bills of abolition from moving through the legislative process in Oklahoma:

Senator Julie Daniels, R-29

Senator Jessica Garvin, R-43

Senator Greg McCortney, R13 (Senate Majority Floor Leader)

Senator Paul Rosino, R-45 (Senate Health & Human Services Committee Chairman)

Senator Greg Treat, R-47 (Senate President Pro Tem)

Legislators supporting BOTH Abolition AND Incremental Legislation

There are two types of legislators in this classification: those who are discovering abolitionism but have not yet come to realize the detrimental effects of incrementalism AND those who are attempting to appease constituents solely for the purpose of maintaining power. Only after careful consideration can one determine which category best fits each of these legislators. Abolitionists Rising recommends that you consult your local abolitionist organizations linked below as you consider how to approach each of these legislators.

Senator Nathan Dahm, R-33

Senator Shane Jett, R-17

Senator Chris Kidd, R-31

Senator Dana Prieto, R-34

Representative David Hardin, R-86

Representative Kevin McDugle, R-12

Representative Randy Randleman, R-15

Representative Mark Vancuren, R-74

Representative Chris Sneed, R-14

Representative Danny Williams, R-28

Flag of Oklahoma (wiki)
Current Abolitionist Legislation

Though the 2023 Legislative Session has adjourned, bills not voted down during the 2023 session are held over for the 2024 session.

2023 Session Bills:

Senate Bill 402 (Hamilton)

2024 Session Bills:

Senate Bill 1729 (Deevers)

Legislative Calendar

The Oklahoma Legislature meets every year from February thru May.

2024 Deadlines:

12/8/23 - Bill Request Deadline

1/18/24 - Bill Introduction Deadline

2/5/24 - Session Begins

5/31/24 - Sine Die (Session Ends)

**Other deadlines will be posted as they are available**

Executive Branch

Attorney General:

Getner Drummond (R)

Find abolitionists in Oklahoma:

Abolitionist Organizations

Abolish Abortion Oklahoma

Abolitionists Rising

Abolitionist Society of Moore

Abolitionist Society of Norman

Abolitionist Society of Tulsa

Free Will Baptist Abolitionist Society

Liberty Rising Institute

Rescue Those

Southern Baptists For Abolishing Abortion

Abolitionist Churches

Bethel Baptist Owasso

Ekklesia Muskogee

First Baptist Church of Beggs

First Baptist Church of Edmond

Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Elgin

Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Norman

Heritage Tulsa

Hilltop Free Will Baptist Church (Wewoka)

Hope Church (Shawnee)

Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church (Keota)

Trinity Baptist Church (Oktaha)