Nation of Bloodshed: Lies, Silence and the Call to Rise

Nation of bloodshed

This nation is drowning in innocent blood. Every single day, thousands of babies are being torn limb from limb, poisoned, burned alive, suffocated, and discarded like garbage. Their bodies are flushed down toilets, their remains thrown into dumpsters, their organs sold for profit. And yet, the killing is legal in all 50 states. Every single… Continue reading Nation of Bloodshed: Lies, Silence and the Call to Rise

How Abolitionists Can Win The Culture And Politics

Abolitionists have fought on the cultural and political front for over a decade now. Come election time, we are the most unpopular voice in the room. The cyclical nature of the excuses we hear never changes. You may have heard a few of them: “You’re pie in the sky” “You aren’t realists” “There are political… Continue reading How Abolitionists Can Win The Culture And Politics

Lila Rose’s Raise and The Failure to End Child Sacrifice

Lila Rose’s Raise and The Failure to End Child Sacrifice There are a lot of reasons to question the big, secular pro-life organizations. From their opposition to legislation that would have ended abortion in Louisiana two years ago, to the efforts of Texas Right to Life to smear abolitionist candidate (David Lowe) in a Texas… Continue reading Lila Rose’s Raise and The Failure to End Child Sacrifice