A Layman’s Treatise on Faithful Immediatism

How many times, O Christian, do you think John Owen has been quoted saying, “Be killing sin or sin will be killing you”? And of those times it has been quoted, how often have you considered the urgency of the saying?  What is our Lord’s expectation of us in our obedience? Is it not said… Continue reading A Layman’s Treatise on Faithful Immediatism

No, the High Places Remaining Under Asa’s Reign is NOT an Endorsement of Incrementalism.

A dangerous argument (excuse, rather) for rejecting immediatism has sprung up, lead by none other than Doug Wilson. The argument is that there is a biblical category for “going in the right direction” when it comes to abolishing abortion. God’s commands against partiality are right and true, so the argument goes, but engaging in partiality… Continue reading No, the High Places Remaining Under Asa’s Reign is NOT an Endorsement of Incrementalism.