Together, We CAN Affect the Ballot Initiative Votes

We CAN fight these state abortion referendums, and we have a plan.

As you’ve seen in our recent shorts and videos, Floridians love abortion. At least, a lot of them do. Yet, if the Lord wills it, our plan WILL succeed. In Florida and Missouri, we are asking abolitionists to stand outside of polling places (legally) while holding images of the abortions that these referendums are asking voters to enshrine in their state constitutions. You can find Florida and Missouri specific signs here. You can get them shipped to you if you act quickly, or you can download a free PDF and print them yourselves.

We are focusing on Florida and Missouri for strategic reasons, but obviously we’d encourage anyone in any of the other states to do the same if they have the resources. You can find general signs with abortion imagery in our store as well.

A quick word on abortion imagery: It’s crazy that in our content, we have to censor what these ballot referendums are seeking to enshrine, but here we are. Abortion imagery is an awesome tool, and people tend to respond to it in different ways. Either they deny it is real, they just get mad that we’re exposing it, or the image is seared into their conscience, and they are never the same again. Many abolitionists have a testimony like that, where God used that experience, seeing that image, to radically change their life in order to try and stop it.

Most Christians thought that the fall of Roe meant the end of abortion in a lot of these states. Believe it not, even a lot of Floridian Christians thought abortion was gone in their state. But that’s far from the case. Dobbs, the decision that overturned Roe, was actually a wicked supreme court decision, where they refused to uphold the 14th amendment and protect life federally. They instead washed their hands of the issue and gave it to the states. Well, the federal “father” of sorts, failed in their duty, and now the children have been swift to do evil as a result. These ballot initiatives are the implications of Ecclesiastes 8:11 playing out in real time.

So, when the federal father tells its children, “You choose”. They choose. And they will often choose evil. But they don’t have to. Before Roe, abolitionists were saying that the states should DEFY their federal head and abolish abortion without its permission. We’re essentially saying the same thing here. Just because the federal government has been abdicating its duty, doesn’t mean the states should, too. Sometimes children do break the cycle of abuse and judgment, and it is unusual when that happens, but it can be done.

Keeping these amendments from passing would not abolish abortion. Not even close. All they would do is keep the legal nullity that is abortion from being enshrined into the state constitutions. So, defeating these amendments wouldn’t really feel like a “win”, per se, because children will still be killed under the color of abominable law in these states. But, if they do get defeated, it means that maybe there’s still life in this corpse of a country. Maybe there’s hope that we can turn this thing around. Maybe Christians actually care, even a little.

States like Florida should not have the choice to enshrine child sacrifice in their state, but given that it’s on their ballot anyways, we need to confront them with what they’re “choosing”.

We are essentially holding a sign in front of the culture, and saying to them, “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live.”

If you do care, join us on election day. Let your voice be heard. Stand up and be counted. If the LORD wills it, we WILL succeed, and we will build on this towards the abolition of human abortion all across America.



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to abolish abortion!

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