True and False Prophets: Rebuking Faithlessness in the Present

In scripture, we are given the examples of prophets and false prophets. A prophet did not exclusively tell the future. Much of what they did was warn rebellious people about their sins, both those they tolerated and those they committed.

For this, prophets were despised and killed and false prophets were their favored replacements because their news was good. "They say to the seers, ‘See no more visions!’ and to the prophets, ‘Give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions."

The prophets prophesied destruction to both pagan nations and God's covenant people alike for their rebellion. The outcomes often resulted in the nation continuing its path to destruction. In the case of Jonah, the pagan nation of Ninevah did repent.

While we are not prophets in the sense of predicting the future, we are prophetic in telling the people of their sins and their need to repent, or else the prophets' warnings of destruction to a rebellious people will become our reality.

We see this modeled in the New Testament by Jesus, John the Baptist, and Paul.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!"

“It is not lawful for you to have her.”

This prophetic call to repentance was not wise by any political measure. It very often cost the prophets their lives, which is why Jesus rebuked the rebellious people of his day led by the Pharisees and Sadducees for continuing the legacy set out for them by their fathers of killing the prophets they pretended to revere.

When Jesus explained why the world hates Him, He said, "The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about it that its works are evil."

The prophetic role of the church in society is largely ignored today. The prophets were not respecters of persons. That was what false prophets did. They prophesied good, and not evil, and temporarily won the favor of men.

Prophesying good outcomes from evil actions is the role of false prophets, in whatever area that may be. A more clear example of this is the Pro-Life Movement. For years, abolitionists warned that no good would come from their evil, while they continued shouting their victory.

But this is not the only area we see it. It has infected the church, which is why abolitionists have spent the better part of a decade focusing on the repentance of the church.

The deadly silence in the face of a holocaust by church leadership and their applause of pro-life compromise has assisted the death of millions.

Francais Schaeffer said, “Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, 'Open by the permission of the church.'”

Abolitionists have fought on every front against false prophets who say, "Peace, peace!" when there is no peace. It should come as no surprise that we tell the truth about tyrants who exchange light for darkness and darkness for light. It is not a political calculation. It's a prophetic call to repentance. Duty is ours, results belong to God.

It is not a political calculation. It's a prophetic call to repentance. Duty is ours, results belong to God.

Sam Riley

This is a small part of a larger mission. Trump is not alone in his need to repent. We have long asked, "What does it look like to be a Christian in a culture that kills its children?" Many have not wrestled with that reality. They fancy themselves as self-sacrificial heroes in history who would have laid down their lives for their neighbors, but their actions paint a different picture.

When we say no compromise with child sacrifice, it's not just a pithy slogan or a way to beat our chests and proclaim how righteous and pure we are. We say no compromise with child sacrifice because God Himself turns His face to a people who sacrifice their children.

Is the above picture dramatic? NO. It calls to mind the fact that we serve a God who does miracles, who causes men to repent, who stops the mouths of lions, who conquers enemies in war when the righteous don't stand a human chance of winning.

Political reality has already given way to God's power in many areas. For years, we were told no abolitionist could win elections on an abolitionist platform. That happened. We were told no bill would ever exist. That happened. We were told the church would never engage by pro-lifers. THAT IS HAPPENING.

We are not going to stay quiet about the evil of anyone. We are not partial to wicked leaders who call us friends. We will continue to warn that the greatest threat to our nation is the terrible judgment of God. Whether the nation repents is in the hands of God. But if the prophets teach us anything, they teach us that destruction will come if we do not, and we are not given any excuse to delay.

No prophet was ever murdered for making predictions about the future. Prophets have always been martyred for rebuking faithlessness in the present.



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