How to Fight the Culture of Death

Join us at Ohio State to learn how to engage the culture like a Christian

  • WHERE: Ohio State University Union Building, US Bank Conference Theater (SE corner of the first floor)
  • WHEN: Friday, November 3rd, 6:30-9pm (doors open at 6)
  • WHAT: T. Russell Hunter presenting on how Christians should and should not be engaging the culture of death, with testimony from Lizzie Marbach and Austin Begiel, and a Q&A to follow
  • WHY: Because Ohio is deciding whether to enshrine abortion in their Constitution and the Pro-Life Movement’s attempts to stop it are pathetic

Ohio is at a crossroads. Pro-abortion activists have brought the state to the brink of enshrining the right to abortion in their state constitution. In circumstances like this, Christians must rise up and be a prophetic voice in the culture of death, exposing the evil of the amendment and calling for Ohio to reject abortion as a constitutional right, to repent of apathy towards it, and abolish the murder of preborn children within their borders.

Without this Christian witness, there is no hope for society or for the preborn children being led to slaughter. Sadly, the pro-life coalition in Ohio has provided no such witness. Rather than speaking truth, they run from abortion and make the vote about women’s health and parental rights.

We need a correction!

Join us for this important in-person event where abolitionist leader T. Russell Hunter will be presenting on how Christians can be the light in the midst of darkness and faithful dissidents in the culture of death. Ohio abolitionists (and former pro-life employees) Lizzie Marbach and Austin Beigel will then testify from personal experience to the pro-life problems Russell will be speaking to.

Following these presentations, local leaders will provide opportunities for Ohioans to get involved, before a Q&A to facilitate open dialogue between abolitionists, pro-lifers, and pro-choicers will close out the evening.

You don’t want to miss it!

Click here to reserve your seat on EventBrite.

Click here to RSVP on the Facebook event.

With any questions or comments, you can contact us here.

Parking Instructions: The Union Building has a parking garage attached to it. Search for the Ohio Union South Garage on your map. You can enter the garage from High St. just South of 14th Ave. The North garage is not open to visitors.