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Status of Abortion:


for the mother.


for abortionists.

Tennessee’s trigger law went into effect following the overturn of Roe. The law (Tenn. Code § 39-15-213) makes performing an abortion a class C felony for the abortionist. The law exempts mothers who perform their own abortions from any criminal liability: “This section does not subject the pregnant woman upon whom an abortion is performed or attempted to criminal conviction or penalty.” Tennessee women can still order abortion pills online and perform their own abortions without any possibility of legal ramifications.

Abolition History:

No bill has been introduced to abolish abortion in Tennessee.

Flag of Tennessee (wiki)
Executive Branch


Bill Lee (R)

Attorney General:

Jonathan Skrmetti (R)

Legislative Calendar

Annual Regular Sessions begin in January and are limited to 90 legislative days

Legislative Deadlines:

Deadlines will be posted as they become available

Find abolitionists in Tennessee:

Abolitionist Organizations

Abolition Women

Abolish Abortion Tennessee

Life Bristol

Students For Abolition

The Imago Dei Ministry

Abolitionist Churches

North Athens Baptist Church